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Steven L. Biccum

Business Development Manager | 919-414-4476

Steve began his 31 year career as an Industrial Engineer with IBM and held various positions in the industrial engineering, planning community and management. In 1983 he began working with (what is now called) Retail Store Solutions (RSS) as a product planner where the assignments concentrated on development of hardware and software solutions. As a member of the Senior Advisory Committee, input was provided as to the directions for future development of RSS products. Steve joined the RSS Sale Team in 1995 where he received two IBM Golden Circle Awards and three One Hundred Percent Club Awards. Upon retirement in 2000 he consulted for RSS and IBM Global Finance for five years in a Marketing and Sales Support capacity. In 2005 Steve accepted a position with Retail Tech Inc. in a Marketing and Sales Support role, where he has been fortunate to be part of and witness continuous growth over Retail Tech’s 10+ year existence.